Training the town’s tots

Household recap:
Shawn (father/young adult)
Alisa (mother/young adult)
Toby (boy #8/teen/lime)
Indigo (girl #9/teen/purple)
Navy (boy #9/teen/spice brown)
Dexter (boy #10/child/white) – “bad apple”
Eugenie (girl #10/child/white)
Xavier (boy #11/infant/red)

To check up on those who’ve already moved out, you can view the Murdle family tree. Also, if you find yourself wanting a Murdle of your very own, up top at the Family tab is where you can grab .sim downloads of them once they hit young adult. 🙂

In gameplay, 5 of those kids up there are grown. LOL I need to get a move on on writing the updates. Last time, baby Xavier was born, and Alisa finally maxed her gardener career and then flew through the painter and alchemist careers. She then signed up for her fourth gig as a day care provider. If you’ve got 6 kids in the house, what’s a couple more? 😉

Screenshot-1766Shawn: “Hey honey, gaze up here into the mystic portal to your innermost essence..”
Alisa: “Huh?”

Shawn: “I just need one more reading, this’ll only take a second.”
Alisa: *scowl*

Alisa: “Get your hand off my face or I will end you.”
Shawn: “Oh my.. I’m sensing some slight hostility..”

Screenshot-1770Shawn: “Oooh, I think I predicted that correctly..”
Alisa: “If you ever try to read my mind again, I will cut you.”

Screenshot-1771And yet.. person-person-plus flies through the air at the end of the reading. LOL

Screenshot-1773Still, Shawn is immediately romantic with her to try and make her forget about how he tried to read her mind two seconds ago. This looks sweet…

Screenshot-1775…until I rotate the camera and see Alisa’s “I have not forgotten” face. LOL

Okay, anyway, moving on.. the next day is a day care day!

And the best thing about the day care career is that most of the town’s toddlers (well, most of the population in general LOL) is from the Murdle family line. If I remember right, the little gal in blue is a great-grandaughter (dunno who), and the one in pink is a grandaughter, Maritza. (Born to River & Margarita.. and Margarita’s mom was Margaret. All randomly picked by the game. If I’m still playing when Maritza has kids, and one is a girl, I need to make sure it starts with Mar. Margot? Mariska? Marisol? Pardon.. my name nerd tendencies are showing. LOL Back to the simming.)

Screenshot-1778The first thing Alisa does is make sure the tots get potty trained (because otherwise the daycare kids have IBS or something, filling their diapers right and left.) A floor hygeniator is installed in the playroom floor thanks to Toby, set to.. whatever scent makes people happy lol. Bellies are kept full, playing is done with the tots, and Alisa even manages to squeeze in time to teach Maritza to talk. All in all, a productive first day.

Screenshot-1779Later that evening, Toby is apparently inventing a small cannon. (No idea what it really turned out to be. Harvester, maybe? Just looks like it belongs on a wee pirate ship right now.)

Screenshot-1780Navy is writing, as always. I had him join the writer career since he was always wanting to write anyway. He just tabcasts while he writes to get enough skill to meet his LTW of maxing 3 skills.

Screenshot-1781Indigo is painting. She’s usually tabcasting as well, for the same reason as Navy. Her cast must be over.

Screenshot-1782Eugenie is heading home from…somewhere. I dunno. You can’t expect me to remember things like that. (maybe if you updated closer to the time you played…) Hush, you.

Screenshot-1783Dexter has just finished up some business in the restroom.

Screenshot-1786Alisa goes and gets Xavier to let him age up, and then frowns.. I guess displeased by all the ruckus of the noisemakers.

Screenshot-1790Poof! Toddler Xavier! Adorable little baby thing. I mentally pinch his little pixelated cheeks.

Screenshot-1792And then Shawn ages up. Again. Into a ridiculous ponytail. I remove the ponytail, but I leave him as an adult. There’s not that many more kiddos to go (*fingers crossed*), and I don’t want them to stay young adult forever.

Screenshot-1793Alisa set about training Xavier while she could give undivided attention before daycare started again the next morning.

Screenshot-1794Checking to make sure the others were headed to bed, I found that our “bad apple” had convinced big bro Navy to read to him. I let it slide in case it’s actually successful. Spoiler: it’s not. Dexter stays awake through the whole story. Too bad, kid. You get one. I send Navy off to his own bed and just cross my fingers on Dexter zonking out soon.

Screenshot-1797Time to learn to talk! And of course death is one of the first things you should teach your children to chat about.

Screenshot-1798Look how cute though! Totally mom’s coloring. I think most of his features are dad’s though.

Screenshot-1801And.. one last skill to go! This will leave mom’s teaching time open for the daycare kids during work hours (which start up soon. Thank goodness for potent Invigorating elixirs.)

Screenshot-1802In the morning, Indie decides the bathroom is a great place for some veryclose talking with her twin. Navy looks uncomfortable. Can’t say that I blame him.

Screenshot-1803Toby and Dexter fill themselves up with knowledge and cake respectively.

Screenshot-1804Poor Eugenie, low on social interaction and shunned by her “ew-a-child” sister Indigo, simply calls up one of her other million siblings for a chat before school.

Screenshot-1806The Murdle kids head off to school and the daycare day starts. One of our tots from yesterday aged up last night, freeing a spot. This means my beloved Fee is here with one of her girls. (She and Leif had twin girls Genevieve and Vera. I believe this is Genevieve.) Random pudding face brings Maritza back. I guess her folks were busy?

Screenshot-1808And that night, we get a pop-up. It appears that Fortune Teller is a career that has a fork. Does Shawn want to be a Scam Artist or a Mystic? Oh, Scam Artist all the way, right.. LOL I know this picture is dark, but even his promotion could not wipe the frown off Shawn’s face.
Shawn: “My work outfit doesn’t even have SHOES.”

Okay, we’ll wrap it there for now. Hopefully it won’t take a week and a half to convince myself to write more since I’ve got enough for 2-3 good updates.

2 thoughts on “Training the town’s tots

  1. somebodysangel13 March 4, 2018 / 11:46 am

    Haha, I know what you mean about getting behind in the writing – all my kids are born in game (and children)… but we’re still two off being born in the updates! Oh well, its not a race (in time anyway, points are totally a race 😛 )

    Aw, Xavier is adorbs, love those big blue eyes. The daycare is such a great idea, I’m going to have to try it… if we can get there before everyone ages up, that is.


  2. heatherfeather19 March 8, 2018 / 8:37 pm

    11 boys and 10 girls! You’re so close! Daycare is a great idea; Alisa has so much experience in childcare anyway.

    I love Xavier in his sweater! He is so cute.


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