It devolves into tot casserole

Household recap:
Shawn (father/young adult)
Alisa (mother/young adult)
Philomena “Mena” (girl #8/teen/pink) – bad apple
Nicodemus (boy #6/child/sea foam)
Elias (boy #7/child/grey)
Toby (boy #8/toddler/lime)
Indigo (girl #9/infant/purple)
Navy (boy #9/infant/spice brown)

To check up on those who’ve already moved out, you can view the Murdle family tree.

I have enough playing done for probably 3 more updates…I just keep wanting to play rather than write. Anyway, it looks like last time we reached a full house again with the birth of the blue-named twins. Mena helped enough that even though she’s a “bad” apple, I’ll be sad to see her go. A couple of the other boys had birthdays. Now.. let’s see what happened in these next pictures. (I keep promising I’ll take notes as I play. I keep proving I can’t be trusted to keep that promise. Oh and in case the title didn’t warn you, there’s a whole lotta toddler going on in this update.)

Screenshot-1293Oh look! We get to start out with my second-favorite’s birthday. Grow, Nicodemus, grow! Ignore the disapproving sourpuss in the painting behind you. (What elementary kid paints… that? LOL Nico, that’s who.)

Screenshot-1296Poof! A studly teenager now.

Screenshot-1297I super don’t remember the trait he rolled. Chances are high that I fire up the game to play before finishing this update (junkie), so I’ll add it then.

And crank up your favorite training montage tune, Toby’s training all the things.

Screenshot-1307Check it out! Shawn met somebodysangel13’s Brandon Winchester! Apparently he’s roommates with Luca. I had sent Shawn to Luca’s house because his purple baby is a toddler now and I want to see her, but Brandon answered the door.

Screenshot-1306I had downloaded Brandon hoping that he’d choose a Murdle, but SP has him with this lady. She’s cute enough. Here’s hoping they have cute bebbies that can then marry into the Murdle clan.

Screenshot-1308Shawn finally goes to pick up Luca’s daughter.
Salina: Grampa!!
Shawn: Wow, you’re.. uh.. purple.
LOL His face in this shot just cracked me up. He’s tickling her, but just staring at her all confused.

Screenshot-1305Incidentally, she looks like this and I love her. She may be the least Murdle-y Murdle so far.

Okay, back to the main house now…

Screenshot-1310King Elias the valiant-hearted is making sure that his loyal subjects don’t go without.

Screenshot-1311Alisa’s in the garden. Still. And why yes that plant in the corner IS growing lobster. LOL I think soon after this was when I started feeding the omni plants mushrooms too. Truffles truffles everywhere.

Screenshot-1312The babies are content, so Mena wanders out to the backyard pond to fish. I think I may have figured out why she pretty much always looks pouty. Her teen trait she rolled up Can’t Stand Art. That sucks when you live in a family where over half of them are Artistic and so your walls are plastered with paintings. LOL

Screenshot-1315Speaking of artistic siblings… LOL

Screenshot-1316Ah how quickly the mighty have fallen. No-longer-king Elias gets roped into cleaning the disgusting potty.

Screenshot-1317Baby care courtesy of.. not the parents. LOL Mena here actually is the one who fed Indigo, changed her, and then put her in the crib. Shawn came along just to autonomously snuggle Indie now that she was perfectly content as Mena moved along to Navy.

Screenshot-1318The next sim-day (or maybe just later that sim-day, can’t recall), it was time for the twins to age up. Mena grabbed Indigo and put her on the floor.. and then I started cracking up because Shawn HAD been standing ready at Navy’s crib but Mena came and stood uncomfortablyclose until he backed off so that she could get Navy too.

And so both babies sparkled into toddlerhood.



They’re both adorable, but I didn’t really expect any less from tots. *hehe*

Screenshot-1326I followed Indigo to see where she was crawling off to… and found out that Mena had went straight from the babies’ birthday to playing with Toby. Her traits don’t say she’s family-oriented, but her autonomous actions sure do. LOL

Screenshot-1327Navy worked on pottying with mommy..

..while daddy started teaching Indigo to walk.

Screenshot-1330Navy playing alongside his big brother Toby.

Screenshot-1336While Indie gets a turn on the big-kid potty.

And because those three aren’t the only three kids, I headed off to see what the other three were up to. I found them all sitting on the couch. (Different reasons though – Elias was getting ready to pull out his tablet, Nico was reading a book, Mena was watching TV).

Screenshot-1341As I was taking their pic, the bus pulled up and they all stood up in unison. Man I wish Mena would have chosen some pajama pants.

Screenshot-1343Level 9, I believe! So close to maxing job #3, meanwhile Alisa’s still working on job #1.

Screenshot-1346Mena went home with a relative after school – her sister Simone’s son Wilbur (from baby daddy #2). I forgot to get a pic of him, but mainly because Mena ignored him to just sit on the couch. The little girl here is Simone’s youngest (also w/ baby daddy #2.) Her name is Bertha. Wilbur & Bertha. However, Bertha is a vampire and stares at me through the screen like she’d have no qualms about sucking out my soul so I’m not inclined to make fun of their names.

Screenshot-1347More adorable tot skilling

Screenshot-1348Ha! Caught a smile from Indigo. I thought I had a pic of Navy too, since I usually take pics of the other twin when I nab a pic of one, but apparently not. Ah well, maybe it’ll get evened out next time.

2 thoughts on “It devolves into tot casserole

  1. somebodysangel13 January 31, 2018 / 12:02 pm

    I’m with you on the playing, the rare time I do have on my computer atm, I want to spend with my simmies, not writing about them.

    Zomg, hai Brandon! So lovely to see him in your game. Hopefully his offspring turn out well for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. heatherfeather19 February 2, 2018 / 7:00 pm

    Go Mena with the babies! The twin tots are super cute.

    I’m impressed with Shawn maxing so many careers!


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